Welcome to Tieton Drive Bible Chapel!

Not sure what you should expect on your first visit with us? No worries… We hope the following information will be helpful to you.

A Friendly Atmosphere

Please don’t be surprised if you are welcomed to our church multiple times on your first visit. We encourage a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. In fact, you might even feel that we are very much like a family. At some point before the service starts, there will be an opportunity for everyone to shake hands and to greet one and another.

God-centered Worship

At Tieton Drive Bible Chapel we feature a mixture of both traditional and contemporary worship services. That means we still love and sing the old hymns and choruses which are filled with strong Biblical themes. We don’t have a large praise band but we do have a worship team that is made up by a group of gifted musicians and a congregation of believers who love to worship God in song.

Breaking of Bread

This is a praise and prayer gathering before we part for Sunday School classes. We come together each Sunday morning to prepare ourselves for worship. We share what’s on our heart and at the end of the gathering, we partake the bread, which symbolizes the body of Christ, and the wine which symbolizes His shed blood for the sins of mankind. If you are a believer, we welcome you to partake the bread and wine with us. If you are not a believer yet, it is our hope that one day you will join us for the celebration and remembrance of God’s Son.

Biblical Teaching

At the Chapel, our church is built upon the faithful and accurate teaching of God’s divine Word. (To know more about what we believe, please visit our Faith Statement page.) It is our desire that you leave here knowing God and His Word better than you did before you came. As such, the Family Bible Hour will feature a verse-by-verse in depth study of the scripture and its practical applications for our lives. If you do not have a Bible with you today, don’t worry, we have Bible availabe at the back of each pew and even projected at the front of the auditorium for you to read.

Classes for All Ages

Before and while you attend our Family Bible Hour, there are a variety of classes for every age. Please bring your kids and be assured that you will be able to enjoy the service distraction-free while your children attend a class designed just for them!

A No-Pressure Offering

Our church is financed entirely by the faithful and generous giving of our members. Our offerings support many different ministry areas, such as Facility Fund, General Fund and Missions & Support Fund.  You are our guest and it would be rude to ask you for money! Do not feel pressured to put anything in the offering bag except for the visitor card found in the Sunday bulletin.