
6 Items

ACTION Kids Club

by Suzie Goff

Action Kids Club will resume in October 6, 2022. REGISTER AT BOTTOM OF PAGE!From October-March, Come Wednesday nights for ACTION!  Kids Kindergarten-5th Grade will come and learn the Good News!ACTION is a kids club that begins with a time of group singing & teaching, then breaks into small groups to work through workbooks (do lessons in […]

Ladies Bible Studies

by Suzie Goff

Ladies of all ages are welcome to join one of TDBC’s Ladies’ Bible Studies. Come, be filled with the Word and enjoy fellowship and prayer one with another.  Contact the church if you would like more information on any of these studies (or just show up!  No registration required).

Family Bible Hour Teaching

by Suzie Goff

Join us for our Sunday mornings, as we open up Matthew in our sermon series.   The reason we read the Bible every day, study it regularly, memorize it, and come to church to hear it exposited is because it is the life-giving declaration of God to the human race.

TDBC Bible mixed Studies

by Suzie Goff

THURSDAY 9:30am GROUP:  Men & women of all ages are welcome at our Thursday Bible Study. Come, be filled with the Word and enjoy fellowship and prayer one with another. Meets downstairs Thursday mornings from  9:30am – 11:00am.

Junior High/Middle School Group

by Suzie Goff

Any young whipper-snappers grades 6-8 are welcome to join in the fun. Meeting are Friday night at 6:30-8pm at the church. Games, Activities, Bible teaching and discussion, & snacks.  Come join in the fun! This group will be on break starting June 16 for the summer and resume again in the fall.

High School Youth Group

by Suzie Goff

High School group (grades 9-12) meet together at private homes.  Meets Fridays at 6pm, dinner included. Come hang out, play games, have dinner, and discuss God’s Word. Plug in, and get fired up! High School group will be on summer break after June 6 and will resume meeting when school kicks off.